Sunday, 9 September 2012

Strawberry Greek Yogurt Cake

And here is part 2 of my Sunday adventure in the kitchen. This recipe I cannot take credit for. I found it on Pinterest and here is the link:
Oh. My. Word. This cake is reedonkulous. Seriously. I don't throw around made up adjectives willy-nilly so you know I'm being serious. And oh my was it easy! I'm not going to go into crazy detail with this one as you can follow the recipe exactly by using the URL above.
I mixed all of the dry and wet ingredients as instructed and I ended up with a fairly thick batter. The next time I make this cake I am going to use a slightly thinner Greek yogurt as I didn't end up with the "strawberry tears" that the author of the blog I got the recipe from referred to.
My cute little strawberries all dusted with flour.
Strawberries mixed into the cake batter. Make sure to ever so lightly fold the strawberries into the cake batter as you don't want to crush the strawberries.
I don't remember where exactly I learned this but as far as I know it's very important to grease your bundt pan very well. Maybe that's because of it's shape? Anyway, I did exactly that.
There she is all smoothed out and ready to go in the oven (yes, this cake is a female. Obviously).
And here she is after spending some quality time in the oven. I love that golden brown colour. I think I'll paint my whole house that colour.
Skip to cake completely cooled and iced. Since this cake was so large I wanted to take it and share it with my family but my husband had a greedy moment and would not let her leave the house. That must mean it was good.

Also, I realized this weekend that I actually have some fans!! I'm shameless when mentioning my blog to my friends/family. When I started talking about it to a couple of my girlfriends this weekend one finished naming it before I could and said "I'm on there all the time!" Well, hmm. That's great! I'm glad I have some faithful readers! As such, I will try and blog a little bit more for my faithful following.


- A

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