Alright, before we get down to business, I must apologize. School and, well, school, have kept me very busy the last few weeks and I have not been able to blog as much as I would like. To all of my faithful followers, I am sorry. Please be patient with me as I am in the home stretch of finishing my degree! I have a good months worth of pictures from my kitchen and they will all make it here eventually.Alright, enough of that...
Any good Mennonite like myself has grown up eating Rollkuchen and watermelon in the summers. It's one of those things that just has to happen and no summer is complete without it. My dad makes amazing Rollkuchen so I said to him, "Dad, let's make Rollkuchen together one day this summer so I can blog about it." Wouldn't you know it, a few weeks later we were doing just that. Now, the recipe for these Rollkuchen is a closely guarded secret in my family so alas, I will not be sharing the recipe. I will share the process and the fun that was had making these wonderful pieces of fried dough however.
First off, it is very important to sift all of the dry ingredients together so they are evenly disbursed and probably for other reasons which I don't know.
Once the dry ingredients were sifted, we added the wet ingredients and started mixing our dough.
There I am mixing it all up in my parent's kitchen. Eventually my dad took over as he knows how the dough is supposed to feel in your hands.
There's my dad kneading dough like a boss.
Once the dough is the right texture, it's my brother's job to roll it out to just the right thickness (yes, it's a family effort).
While my bro is rolling out the dough, my dad starts heating up his deep fryer. As that's heating up, my brother and I finished rolling out the dough and started cutting it into strips.
I took them out to my dad (he has his deep fryer set up in the garage so the whole house doesn't smell like a fast food restaurant) and he carefully puts the strips of dough into the preheated oil.
There they are, all happy and frying away. Once the edges start to turn golden brown, that's when they're ready to be flipped.
First batch done and the next batch waiting in the wings.
And done. Look at those things. Just look at them. Golden pillows of airy, fried goodness. It's good to be a Mennonite. Be jealous.
Of course, you can't eat Rollkuchen without watermelon. It's a law of nature. Or something.
You also can't forget the brown sugar sauce. It's liquid crack. For real. The trick is to kind of squish the rollkuchen into the sauce so it gets in all the little air pockets on the inside. Double dipping is also allowed. In hindsight, this afternoon was a highlight of my summer. I think we have a new family tradition??
And that's it for today's blog entry. I promise I will share an actual recipe next time, I just had to blog about rollkuchen. It's in my blood.